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Casa Ela can provide a price at least 5% lower than the one available on online portals to the guests who decide to book through our website.

Prices 2025

The table below displays prices for the year 2025.

Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre

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in the month of

The total price is €.


Room with balcony

Room with garden view


The terms of cancellation on reservations made on the website are always of 7 days. After this period, Casa Ela will keep 50% of the price of the reservation. Eventual refund costs (e.g. international bank transfer fees) will be charged to the customer.

Payments can be made through PayPal on this website. In order to complete the reservation, the customer must complete the payment.

For further information, please check our terms and conditions.

Contact us!

Phone: +39 333 378 1050
Facebook: @casaelasorrento

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